LACL 2012

Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics

Registration Information

You may now register online.

1. Click 'Register'.
If you have already  an account on or HAL, then you may login  directly using your account. Otherwise, you should create a new account before register.

2. Fill out the registration  form and submit it.
You will receive an automatic message confirming your registration. The message contains the link to the payment page.

3. Go to the payment page and select one of payment modes:  by Credit Card, by Cheque, through Bank Transfert, using  the Order Form or On site.
If you choose the Credit Card mode, then (on reading the instructions) you will be
redirected to the on-line payment platform of Nantes University (unfortunately, this platform is French speaking :-)). 

Information for order form or bank transfer can be found below.

Registration Desk : The Conference Registration Desk will open on Monday, July 2, from 9:00 to 18:00. The registration desk will remain open during the entire conference. Extra banquet tickets may be purchased through the registration service. For information on dates and costs, as well as, making a reservation, please refer to the registration service.

The table below shows the registration fees (in euros).

Early registration deadline: 24 May 2012 (11:59pm GMT).

Late registration deadline: 30 June 2012 (11:59pm GMT).

Online registration will not be available after the late registration deadline.

Only on-site registration is possible after this date.

Registration Fees Student Regular
Early 120 210
Late 180 270
On-Site 200 310

>> Registration fee covers:

  1. Admission to the sessions of the conference
  2. Proceedings volume (Springer) and its USB-Key version
  3. Coffee breaks for 2, 3 and 4 of July, 2012
  4. Lunches for 2, 3 and 4 of July, 2012
  5. Welcome Reception on Monday evening (2 July)
  6. Excursion (3 July)
  7. Event Accessories (bag, programme, etc.)

>> The price of one participant Gala dinner ticket is 30 euros

Information for order form / bank transfert

  1. The order form must be sent by fax to +33 (0)2 51 12 58 97 or to the following address :
    LINA - LACL 2012
    UFR de Sciences et Techniques
    2, rue de la Houssinière
    BP 92208
    44322 NANTES CEDEX 3

    Please mention your inscription number when sending.

  2. For a Bank transfert, you have to send your registration payment to the account below. Please, indicate the following subject of your transfer: LACL 2012 registration fees for "First Name Last Name", and send us a copy of your transfer confirmation by email with your inscription number.

    Bank informations

    BP 13522
    44035 NANTES CEDEX 01
    Bank name and address:
    Account number:
    10071 44000 00001000264 46

    Bank details

Online user: 1